If you’re confused as to whether it’s better to take the Standard
Deduction or Itemize Deductions on Schedule A, you’re not alone.
Personal tax deductions include such things as charitable donations,
mortgage interest, property taxes, state income ta...read more
If you want to get those juicy dependent tax credits and benefits, it’s
important to get it right. Getting it wrong can create an IRS mess you
don’t want to be a part of - trust me on this one! If the result isn’t
in your favor, not only will you lik...read more
It’s always wonderful to donate to charitable causes. But did you know
that the type of organization you donate to can actually make a
difference on your taxes - and even whether or not you can actually
deduct it? For example, donating cash through a...read more
Everyone knows there are tax benefits to having children and dependents
and some are pretty amazing! If you’ve ever had questions about the
popular Child Tax Credit (CTC) or Earned Income Credit (EIC), this is
the place to be! TurboTax does the think...read more
It seems the most popular question at tax time is “Can I deduct this…?”.
Of course you don’t want to pay more taxes than you need to; and you
want to get all the tax deductions and credits you’re entitled to take.
The resources below have helped many...read more
Dear Team,I am married, live together with my husband until now, we have
filled return 1040 with form MFJ for years ago.Can I switch the form MFJ
to the MFS in filling return 1040 in year 2024; or whatever year later
on (2025 or 2026...)?Are there an...read more
My daughter runs a non profit in a portion of our home. The business has
a mailing address, but no work is done there. It’s all done from an
office in our home. Can i use this as a deduction/write off on my tax
return since I am the homeowner?
We had an NOL in 2023 with a carryforward that will likely take a couple
of years to use up. I understand the carryforward deduction is limited
to 80% of taxable income each year. We also have social security income
and the taxable portion is differe...read more
pblewynPosted 2 hours ago
| Latest post 52m ago by
I received a K-1 1041 from a trust which my wife was a part of an
inheritance. It's showing the following: 2a - $1145 - $73,37814-E
$73,49214-H -$73,378 We have a Capital Gains Loss (1099) from a previous
year that exceeds this amount, however TurboT...read more
I had this same problem last year and it happened again twice today:
Sign onto Turbotax. Click on Help. An Intuit Assist window opens to
enter a question. If the results are not helpful you are given an option
to Visit the Turbotax Community and it a...read more
jdefl4444Posted April 3, 2024
| Latest post 2 hours ago by
I can't figure out how to answer the following question: Enter the
amount of any excess contribution that you carried over from 2023 that
you used to pay qualified expenses during the grace period in 2024. Is
this referring to funds that were reimbur...read more
Aimee19Posted Saturday
| Latest post 2 hours ago by
My son graduated from college in May of last year. I covered his health
insurance (ACA) through July, when son moved out of state, where he now
has a full-time job and health benefits. I claimed him as a dependent,
but did not claim Head of Household...read more
KrbnsolPosted 7 hours ago
| Latest post 2 hours ago by