Hello,For the last three years i have been paying state taxes when I
should not have been. My legal state of residence is CT, but I have not
lived in CT for more than 30 days and meet all conditions for Group A to
be exempt. How do I amend my 3 previ...read more
buchetto97Posted 7 hours ago
| Latest post 4 hours ago by
I am active duty Army and was stationed in a combat zone for all of
2024. My W-2 was blank in Box 1, and Box 2. Upon completing everything
in TurboTax, I was notified I cannot E-File. I've downloaded the
complete Form 1040 and all other applicable do...read more
mabrams15Posted 11 hours ago
| Latest post 11 hours ago by
I was deployed in jan 2023- march 12 2024 to kuwait. when I returned I
began my national guard drills monthly. What should I put when it asks
for state returns "did you recieve national guard or reserve pay?"
I checked the box "was a member or former member of the U.S. Armed
Forces" and then "Lived in another state in 2024" since we did not live
in his state of residence (Iowa) at all in 2024. There is no option for
the state to be AE like it is on our ma...read more
I'm a Ohio resident that is Active Duty military but am not stationed in
Ohio. Per the tax.ohio.gov I should be able to deduct my income because
it was earned while not stationed in Ohio. I have gone through he my
info section multiple times verifyin...read more
Backless3520Posted February 19, 2024
| Latest post Saturday by
I'm military, wife follows the military spouse non-residency as me. My
dependent is a minor with a first time W-2, total wages under $10K with
only federal income tax withheld