1099-R State Distribution Taxes Withheld

I've received my 1099-R for tax year 2024. I performed an in plan Roth conversion from my tIRA to my Roth IRA and my tIRA only had after-tax contributions.


On the 1099-R, box 14 and box 16 have zero state taxes witheld and zero state distribution. It is now asking where did the distribution source occur? Listed options are state/federal government, city/state, other pensions, none of the above (select for deferred compensation 457b plan). I selected none of the above even though the source didn't come from deferred compensation. Then it displays the total amount converted that I made in the state distribution amount field (box 16) even though on my 1099-R it displays blank for state distribution. Which do I enter where it says taxes distribution? Do I enter the value 0 listed on my 1099-R form or the distribution amount that I converted over in turbotax? 


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