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Can I pay with my refund?
by TurboTax•29230• Updated 2 weeks ago
You can use your federal refund to pay your TurboTax fees.
There’s a $40 processing fee charged by the bank that handles the transaction when the IRS processes your return. If your return is rejected, you might have to enter your bank account information again, but you won’t be charged a second time.
TurboTax Fees will be deducted from your federal or state (if applicable) refund. Fees will be deducted from the refund that comes in first, and is large enough to cover your total TurboTax fees.
To use this payment option:
- Your federal refund must be enough to cover your TurboTax fees.
- You must have a US address.
- You have to e-file.
- The name on the bank account needs to match the name on the tax return.
- You'll need to direct deposit your refund into a single account.
Note: If your TurboTax navigation looks different from what’s described here, learn more.
To pay with your refund:
- Open or continue your return.
- Select File from the left menu.
- On the Just a few steps left... screen, select Start or Revisit for the first step.
- On the next screen, select View payment options.
- When asked How would you like to pay for TurboTax?, select Pay with Federal Refund.
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