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Transfer last year's return to TurboTax Desktop for Windows

by TurboTax455 Updated 1 month ago

TurboTax Desktop for Windows will transfer last year's tax data file (.tax2023 file) or PDF from the 2023 version of TurboTax Desktop or Online. It even transfers PDFs created in TaxACT or H&R Block tax prep software.

We'll transfer over 100 fields to help you get a head start on your return, including:

  • Names and other personal info
  • Social Security numbers
  • Addresses
  • Employer and business info
  • Income forms such as W-2s and 1099s
  • Credits and deductions
  • Refunds and tax owed amounts
  • Capital losses
  • Disallowed deductions
  • Credits carried over to subsequent years
  • Tax schedule information
  • E-file signatures if you successfully e-filed last year

Be aware that TurboTax does not transfer information that requires complex calculations, like depreciation.

  1. Launch TurboTax 2024 and click Start a New Return (or go to File and select New Tax Return).
    • Don't select Continue, as transferring is only available on new, empty returns.
  2. Select the Transfer Return button on the Good News! screen.
    • You can also select Browse and in the pop-up window, select All Files (*.*) from the dropdown menu. Then browse to wherever you stored your 2023 return and select Open.
  3. Still can't find it? It might be on another computer. See this article for help in moving it to this computer.
  4. Follow any onscreen instructions. We'll give you opportunities to review, edit, or delete transferred info later on.

Note that once you've gone past the Transfer screens, you can't go back to revisit them. If you need to redo your transfer, go back to step 1 to start over with a new return.

  1. On your Mac, find last year's tax file and copy it to a removable device like a thumb or flash drive.
  2. On your PC, copy the tax file from the device to your desktop or Documents folder.
  3. Rename the tax file by right-clicking it, selecting Rename, and adding a .tax2023 filename extension to it.
  4. Launch TurboTax 2024 and select Start a New Return (or go to File and select New Tax Return).
  5. TurboTax should find your 2023 tax file. If not, select Browse, go to where you saved the file in step 2, select it, and select Open.
  6. Wait for TurboTax to finish transferring the info over.

If you used TurboTax, H&R Block tax software, or TaxACT to prepare last year's return, and you have the PDF copy, we've got info and instructions on how to transfer your return.