The form should be included in the PDF file with your tax return. You would simply keep the form with your tax records.
You can print a copy of your complete tax file with all forms and worksheets by following the steps below:
Sign in to your account (if you haven't already done so), using the same login you used to file your return.
- Scroll down to My Tax Returns and Documents and click show.
Next scroll down and select Add a State (you are not really adding a state, this will allow you to get back into the program.
- In the left side panel select Tax Tools then select Print Center.
- Next select Print, save or preview this year's return.
Then select the option to print your 2017 federal and state returns. Also select the option to include government and TurboTax worksheets, then select View or print forms.
- This will allow you to print your complete tax file.
- Once you have finished printing, select Tax Home in the left side bar to return to the home page and click Sign Out in the lower left corner when you are ready to exit the program.
Here is a link that shows what the form looks like