There is a lot of confusion about this. For the Desktop Deluxe and above it's a free download of one state PROGRAM, not returns filed. You can prepare unlimited federal and unlimited state returns. Some people need to file in more than one state so they have to buy another state program.
You can print and mail the state for free or each state return including the first one is $20 early or 25 to efile. Except New York is free to efile state. Check the box or online description. It should say Federal + Efile + State. Not state efile.
And be careful to pay the fee with a credit card. If you have it deducted from a federal refund there is an EXTRA $40 (45 in California) processing charge. You have to be careful what you click on when you file, go slowly. There is one screen that can trip you up. People get going to fast and click the bottom right button to continue. But to pay by credit card you need to check the Left button. So it will be 25+45=$70