efile'd the 2021 return with my 2020 AGI and made up a pin, since I had never made an IRS pin for 2020 or anything but needed to enter something to submit
got the reject message AGI or pin
got the 2020 irs transcript
they did change the AGI from the return I sent in
not exactly sure why at this point but for now why argue with IRS
I resubmit the efile with the AGI number from IRS
got the same reject
so not sure now if its the pin
I have seen some posts suggesting to put in zero for AGI, that doesn't make sense to me since I have the AGI official IRS number from the transcript
how would I know if the reject is in fact AGI caused or from pin?
can I just keep resubmitting trying to guess what AGI the IRS really wants? or do I risk getting black marked from the IRS and not able to submit at all?
please don't reply to call IRS :-))
thanks for looking
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if you signed up for an IRS PIN< you can't efile with it. the only alternative is to paper file./ You can guess the AGI as many times as you want but even if you get it right and don't have the PIN, you still have to efile.
try zero for the AGI - the IRS may have loaded the table before your 2020 tax return was processed so it's a zero in the table.
If it was rejected for AGI—-be aware that many 2020 returns took so long for the IRS to process that your 2020 AGI might not be in the IRS system. Try using zero instead.
If filing with zero is rejected then file again but select the option that you did not file last year. The IRS does not see that question and it will allow you to e-file with no AGI question.
If that does not work and you still cannot e-file, then print, sign, and mail your tax return.
thanks everybody for the replies, after setting 2020 AGI to zero, viola return accepted!!!!, IRS can be so strange at times. I'm still not sure what the pin thing is but since the return is accepted I will forget about it for now, but for sure remember the made up number I submitted for the pin when filing in case it comes back to bite some time in the future.
I remember trying to register with IRS for something, I think to do with one of the stimulus payments, I was not found. I knew I had the info right, turns out my name had to be in all caps. I was in IT for 25 years and that type of mismatch in 2021 should never be, its like requiring a new user name to be all caps to register for something.
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