You can report the income in the Other Reportable Income section. If the income is not excludable from income and you do need to report it, here are the steps to report ordinary or wage income without a tax form in TurboTax Online:
- Sign into your TurboTax account.
- Select Pick up where you left off or Continue your return.
- Select Federal then Wages & Income from the left side menu.
- Type other reportable income (use that exact phrase) in the search bar and click on the Jump to other reportable income link. Copy and paste the phrase if you don't get the link.
- Select No at Did you receive any other wages?
- You should land on the Let's work on any Miscellaneous Income screen, scroll down and click Start or Revisit next to the last item - Other Reportable Income.
- On the Any Other Taxable Income? screen, select Yes. If you already have miscellaneous income reported, click on Add Another Miscellaneous Income Item.
- On the Other Taxable Income screen, enter a description (stipend) and the amount determined to be taxable, then Continue.
- On the Other Miscellaneous Income Summary screen, confirm the entry and select Done. The income will show up on LIne 8 of Form 1040.
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