Did you mean to type HRA? Or did you mean your previous employer's HSA?
If you did mean HRA, then no, there is no rollover from an HRA to an HSA.
But if you meant HSA in both places, you can "roll over" one HSA to another. Or you can keep both HSAs, then contribute to whichever you like, as well as take distributions from either one, so long you maintain HDHP coverage.
Unless your new HSA does not have the features you like, most people find it more convenient to keep the new HSA and roll the old HSA into it. Your new employer will almost certainly make contributions only to the new HSA anyway.
To do the rollover, contact the HSA custodian for the first HSA and tell them you want to roll over (transfer) your old HSA to a new one.
NOTE: this rollover will not affect your HSA contribution limit for this year.
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