My ex-wife and I got divorced at the beginning of 2017, but we were also separated a year prior. We were co-owners on our house up until this past August when I refinanced to have her name removed from the loan. During that whole time period I had always paid the monthly payment on the loan.
I am a little unsure of what to put for those deductions from our 1098. We do live in Louisiana, but I was giving the property from our divorce settlement. Can I just input the full amounts that are on the 1098 for myself, and would I need to specify that I co-own this loan if I do so?
She has decided not to deduct anything from the 1098 if it isn't necessary.
I am also helping with her taxes so would she just put $0 for everything and specify her social security number is not on the 1098, but is liable for the loan? Or would she even need to include anything if she is not deducting anything?