I received $3,456 in dividends from an international stock mutual fund, and an international stock ETF. I also received a $64 long term capital gain in cash from the mutual fund in addition to the dividend above. Foreign taxes withheld were $321 in total. In Fidelity’s 1099 Supplemental pages, I see a section for Foreign Tax Reporting, and their figure for foreign source income is $2,252, $1801 Nonqualified, and $450 Qualified. The mutual fund distributed $2,990 of the $3,456, and $1,520 was qualified on the 1099. The ETF distributed $466, of which $453 was qualified on the 1099. I cannot understand why the foreign source income was reduced from $3,456 to $2,252 by Fidelity on the 1099 Supplemental section, not reported to the IRS. I checked both securities, and their portfolios are 99.7% foreign equities. Anybody know why?