If you are filing an IRS form 1040 in TurboTax Online, report the dividend income as follows:
- Down the left side of the screen, click Federal.
- Down the left side of the screen, click Wages & Income.
- Scroll down to Investments and Savings and click on the dropdown menu.
- Click Start/Revisit to the right of Dividends on 1099-DIV.
If you are filing an IRS form 1040 in TurboTax Online, report the gain from the sale of a capital asset as follows:
- Down the left side of the screen, click on Federal.
- Down the left side of the screen, click on Wages & Income.
- Scroll down to Investments and Savings and click the down arrow to the right.
- Click Start / Revisit to the right of Stocks, Cryptocurrency, Mutual Funds, Bonds, Other.
- Click Add investments.
- At the screen Let's import your tax info, click Enter a different way.
- Click on Stock, Bonds, Mutual funds. Click Continue.
- At the screen Which bank or brokerage is on your 1099-B, enter the information. Click Continue.
- Do these sales include any employee stock, click No.
- Do you have more than three sales on your 1099-B, click No.
- Do these sales include any other types of investments, click No.
- Did you buy every investment listed on your 1099-B, click Yes. Click Continue.
- At the screen Now, choose how to enter your sales, select One by one. Click Continue.
- At the screen Look for your sales on your 1099-B, click Continue.
- At the screen Now enter one sales total on this 1099-B, enter information. Click Continue.
- Repeat as necessary by clicking Add another sales total. Click Continue.
If you are filing an IRS form 1040 In TurboTax Online, report Federal income tax withheld as follows:
- Down the left side of the screen, click on Deductions & Credits
- Scroll down to Estimates and Other Taxes Paid. Click the down arrow to the right.
- Click Start/Revisit to the right of Income Taxes Paid.
- Click Start/Revisit to the right of Other Income Taxes Paid in 2023.
- Click Start/Revisit to the right of Withholding not already entered on a W-2 or 1099.
- At the screen Do you have any tax withholding you haven't entered yet, select Yes.
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