Formerly a champ, absent from forum a couple of years, presenting a serious situation, both conceptually and sware wise, for NH state - could be fun to address Champions and Moderators
on line 2 of form DP-10, the amounts of interest and dividends (listed on lines 1a and 1 b respectively, imported from federal return) that are not subject to NH taxation should be entered indicating a Reason Code of why these amounts are non-taxable out of a pulldown menu of options and if known the TIN of the payor should be furnished as well.
instead TTax
imports the list of interest and dividend from the federal return and correctly lists the total amounts on lines 1a and 1 b respectively
but it handles line 2 by presenting you the full list of 1099 interests and dividends with an edit button, labeling all of these in the interactive screen as "non-taxable interests"
now the edit button only allows you to enter the reason code and the TIN number, so it assumes all teh elements of the list are non-taxable (note that interests and dividends are typically taxable in NH)
if you do not enter the reason code of why the interest is NOT non-taxable the interest/dividend amount still remains on the list of non-taxable interests/dividends, hence it is removed from the tax computation generating a major conceptual error
further note that you have no way to remove "manually" any of these interests amounts from the list of not-taxable interest/dividend as it is automatically imported from the Federal Return
when you go through state review it does not proceed to generate the form DP-10 (listed as available in TTax) unless you enter these Reason Codes AND the TIN of the payor, the later not mandatory if you read the DP-10 form instructions