To remove any erroneous Solar and Wind Energy Credit Carryover data in the New York interview portion of TurboTax Online:
- Open TurboTax Online
- Select Tax Home in the left pane
- Select the dropdown to the right of State Taxes
- Select the pencil
- Proceed through any screens until you get to the Status of your state returns page, then select Continue to the right of New York
- Proceed through the state interview until you come to the Take a look at New York credits and taxes screen
- Scroll down to Other Tax Credits, and select Update to the right of Nonrefundable Credits
- On the Nonrefundable Credits page, delete any entry next to Solar and Wind Energy Credit Carryover, then select Continue
- On the Take a look at New York credits and taxes screen that reappears, select Done with Credits
This should remove the carryover.