You are a resident
for California (if that is where your home and main job is) and a non-resident to Kansas (where your
temporary job assignment is). You will
need to file returns for both states.
The following FAQ provides excellent information:
All your income will be taxable to
California. However, you will receive a
credit on your California return for taxes that you pay to Kansas. This credit essentially eliminates you being
double-taxed on the same income by both states.
(If California has a higher tax rate than Kansas, you effectively pay
the difference on that income).
further note: Although your question is primarily about state
taxes, your situation may qualify you for significant deductions on your federal return as well. For more information on these potential
deductions, please see the following link taken from IRS Publication 17
regarding deductions allowable while on a Temporary
Assignment or Job away from your tax home.
(Click on link)
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