Repayments can be included in the current year tax return as a deduction if they were reported as income in a prior year and then repaid in the current year. Do not change or amend the prior year return.
Since your repayment was below $3,000, the correct way to report it in 2017, is a deduction on itemized deductions for your federal return.
If the repayment is $3,000 or less. If the amount you repaid was $3,000 or less, deduct it from your income in the year you repaid it. If you must deduct it as a miscellaneous itemized deduction, enter it on Schedule A (Form 1040), line 23.
- Select Federal - Deductions & credits - Other deductions and credits - Other deductible expense
- Continue until you can answer "yes" to Repayments of $3,000 or less (previously included in income)
- This will be recorded as a miscellaneous expense, line 23 Schedule A and subject to the amount that is in excess of 2% of your AGI, then added to your other itemized deductions.