Wait until you receive the 1099-R. If the 1099-R isn't on its way to you, contact the plan administrator and request a copy because you won't be able to e-file your return without it. If the administrator refuses to send it to you, you'll have to file a paper return with a substitute 1099-R (Form 4582) and include a statement describing what you did to try to get the form and attesting that you were unable to get it.
TurboTax provides help along the way when you prepare a substitute 1099-R and the accompanying statement. When prompted to "Tell us which 1099-R you have", be sure to check I need to prepare a substitute 1099-R. (Click the screenshot below to enlarge it for reference.) The click the Learn More link for assistance. Throughout the interview, you can click the blue links for guidance.
Where do I enter my 1099-R?