I executed a 100% distribution of my 401k in 2023. The after-tax piece was rolled over into a Roth IRA, the before-tax to a traditional IRA with an in-kind distribution of the company stock to a brokerage account. I made estimated tax payments for the Taxable amount in Box 2a of the 1099-R. The NUA amount is in Box 6. Everything went smoothly in Turbo Tax for the Federal 1040 return. The stock is all company match so I have no basis. Turbo Tax suggests that this Distribution be treated as per NJ Part D General Rule contribution with the Gross Distribution Box 1 being fully taxable with no deferment for the NUA component. This is completely different that how the Federal is handled. How do I complete the return so that I can defer paying taxes on the stock NUA until the shares are sold?