had 150.00 extra taken every month twoards taxes, I did this for the entire year. $1800,my return is $1600 00
Im not seeing this on my W2,or do they lump it in with all the taxes paid. I'm getting less by pay all that money $1800.00,and my return says it will be $1600.00. Is there a spot in can see it on my W2?
a month ago
last updated
January 16, 202511:00 PM
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had 150.00 extra taken every month twoards taxes, I did this for the entire year. $1800,my return is $1600 00
The extra federal withholding would be included in box 2 on your W2 with the regular amount. It isn't broken out. W2 box 2 withholding goes to 1040 line 25a. Sounds like it was a good thing you had extra taken out or you would have ended up owing on your tax return. There could be several reasons like you have other income like interest, dividends or investments that don't have withholding taken out. Or you have self employment income on schedule C. Or you are married and both work.