We are both over 65, have medicare part A part B . Where does this show up on the 1040?

Where do I indicate I have medicare?  We are both over 65 and are on Social Security.

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Retirement tax questions

The healthcare coverage will show on Form 1040, line 61 (Form 1040A, line 38). The line indicates that you had all year coverage. The specific coverage is not listed, as that's not a concern to the IRS, as long as you have coverage.  Medicare is not Obamacare. When going through the Health Insurance section, all you have to do is indicate that you have health insurance coverage all year (if applicable) and that you were not enrolled in other plans (such us Obamacare of Healthcare.gov plan).

If you made any voluntary payments to the Medicare A & B, they will also show as your medical expenses, part of your itemized deductions. That is on line 40, form 1040, Standard Deductions.

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