New Member

I received a payment from my employer that had been erroneously held back. It included an interest payment but this is not reflected on the W-2 and there was no 1099 issu


Retirement tax questions

approx how much?  Over $400?  
The interest will be reported under interest income
New Member

Retirement tax questions

It’s only $31.07.
New Member

Retirement tax questions

Thanks, I thought I needed to identify a financial institution but i did not.

Retirement tax questions

Report as Misc Income:on the non-interest part (unless it is a just a reimbursement then it would be non-taxable)

Click on “Take me to my return” button.

Click on Federal tab (left-hand side of screen).

Click in Wages and Income (near top of screen)

 Scroll down to Less Common Income.

Click on Start next to Miscellaneous Income.

 Click on Other reportable income.

 Follow the questions
New Member

Retirement tax questions

I received a W-2 for the income portion so that was not an issue, just the interest which was not accounted for.