1041 Trust tax return - which states do I need to add? Established in California. Beneficiaries live in Michigan and Nevada. Rental income in California.

My mom died as a resident of California. Her death caused the creation of an irrevocable trust with my father as the primary beneficary and my brother and I as beneficiaries when my Dad passes away.  Part-way through the year my Dad moved by me in Michigan. My brother lives in Nevada.  The trust owns a rental home in California. Plus, we sold my mom's principal residence in California which was in the irrevocable trust (no gain).

Am I doing this right? I believe I have to complete both a Michigan 1041 and a California 1041 (even though all the income was distributed to my Dad). OR, since the trust was created in California and the rental income was California do I not need to do a Michigan return?  The trust also had some dividends.  All income was distributed so there is no tax due.

Thanks for your help. I'd rather not have to pay to download a Michigan 1041 tax return if I don't need it!