New Member

Business & farm

As you say, it might be a good idea to delete it first and then enter as below. Please feel free to post any additional details or questions in the comment section.


Enter the 1099-Misc:

  1. Open your return.
    (To do this, sign in to TurboTax and click the Take me to my return button.)
  2. Search for “1099-misc” at the top. In the search results, click the “Jump to” link.

Next, re-enter your 1099 this way:

Fill in the entry boxes as printed on your 1099-MISC.

On the next screen Describe what the payment was for

On the next screen select "none of these apply"

On the next screen select "No it didn't involve work like my main job"

On the next screen select "I got it in 2017" ONLY 

On the next screen select No, it didn't involve intent to earn money

TurboTax will put the amount on line 21 as other income and won't be subject to extra Self-Employment Taxes.

Please feel free to post any additional details or questions in the comment section.