Car and Truck Expenses Worksheet removal

I no longer use my car for work.  How do I remove this worksheet?
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Deductions & credits

You can use the steps below to remove The Car and Truck Expenses Worksheet on Schedule C.

Follow These Steps to Delete your Vehicle:

1. Go to "My Account" in the top right corner

2. Select "Tools"

3. Under "Tools Center" select "Delete a Form"

4.  Navigate to "Schedule C (Consulting) -- Car & Truck Expenses Worksheet (Chevy Cruise)" and select "Delete" next to it

You can also:

1. Select "Business" at the top of the screen

2. Choose "Continue", then "I'll choose what I work on"

3. Select "Start" next to "Business Income and Expenses"

4. Select "Edit" next to your business name

5. Scroll down to Business Expenses

6. Now select "Update" next to "Business Vehicle Expense"

7. Select "Delete" next to your vehicle

NOTE: There are screenshots included below for your reference.

For more information on vehicle deductions visit this link: Business Use of Vehicles