Intuit Alumni

State tax filing

 Maybe. See the regulations below.
How California taxes residents, nonresidents, and part-year residents
  • California residents - Taxed on ALL income, including income from sources outside California.
  • Nonresidents of California - Taxed only on income from California sources.
  • Part-year residents of California - Taxed on all income received while a resident and only on income from California sources while a nonresident.
  • You are required to file a Nonresident or Part-Year Resident Income Tax Return (Long or Short Form 540NR) with California if you have income from California sources, such as rental income, income from the sale of property, or partnership income in 2018 and you are:

    • Single with a total income from all sources of $17,693 or more
    • Married with joint income from all sources of $35,388 or more