After you file

@ADRI89  did the IRS tell you that your letter would be dated for March 9th by any chance? When I called last week, they stated my letter went out the week of Feb 21st.. and the woman I spoke to last week stated, the reviews can happen before the letters are received.. yet upon calling to check this morning, the woman I Spoke to said, no your review won't start until the date of the letter you received! March 9th this missing letter is dated.. I told her, I don't have a letter.. she very rudely says.. don't expect your return for at least 60 days after March 9th! I asked.. have you seen these reviews finish before the 45, or 60 days? She said yes. But again, last week when I spoke to someone different, I was told I was only on a 45 day review.. and this woman today, tells me it's 60. So I am trying to figure Out, was your letter dated for March? If you could let me know? I am trying to figure this out, because clearly the IRS is just being told to tell the people who call one thing, but sadly they are all telling something different.