After you file

This answer is FALSE!

The statement "Once the IRS accepts your tax return, your refund will be deposited directly to your account." by TurboTaxDeniseF1 is a flagrant lie...  My return was 'Accepted' more than a week ago and I have not received anything on my Turbo card.  

I believe she meant to state "Once IRS 'approves' your refund".  Maybe the answer is "When the IRS issues your refund", in which case - what benefit is the Turbo card to the consumer???  We know TurboTax benefits from every sign-up...  

I see a class action lawsuit brewing.

The only reason I chose to sign up for and have my refund sent to a Turbo card was because of statement #4 in the above answer that was made by a Turbo Tax Tax Pro.

I would never have chosen to sign up for a Turbo card had I known that the information above was false.  As a matter of fact, I would have chosen to use TurboTax's main competitor so I could get the $3000 pre-refund loan they offer.