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Where the HECK does Form 1099-Q line 2c/2d come from?

Where the heck do Form 1099-Q lines 2c/2d come from?  Neither double-clicking nor right-clicking reveals the source of that data, so I may have to override them.

We have two children in college and are paying some of both of their bills using a 529 plan.  For one child, the Form 1099-Q automatically fills in that ALL of their 529 distributions are Qualified eduction expenses, and for the other one, it says that NONE of their 529 distributions are Qualified (but they ARE Qualified). I can't see any difference in the two forms.  The difference narrows down to how TurboTax is filling in 1099-Q Lines 2c/2d and I canNOT figure out why there is ANY difference...