Get your taxes done using TurboTax

Did you click a big orange button that said "transmit my return now?" If you did that, then you have to wait until the IRS rejects the return and then you can go back in to the software and enter your income and re-submit the return.  But right now you have to wait until January 27 and watch your email to see when they reject your messed up tax return.  You cannot fix it yet.


If you did not e-file it with no income, then just go back and enter your W-2. in Federal>Wages and Income.   Employers have until January 31 to give you a W-2, so if you do not have it yet you have to wait for your W-2.

**Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to offer the most correct information possible. The poster disclaims any legal responsibility for the accuracy of the information that is contained in this post.**