New Member

Return is still missing. went to the IRS site as recommended and was told "Your refund was sent to your bank on February 20, 2020 for direct deposit.

If your refund is not credited to your account by February 25, 2020, check with your bank to find out if it has been received."

well...  Still dont have it.  the bank in question is YOUR card system.

Website for the turbo card (acivated it last year, have not received a new one for this one) says -$2.95 with no deposits (fess extracted after stopped using card ). received a netspend card in mail, activated it (as a previous return was sent that way) ... it shows $0 , with no deposits.
All attempts led to automated responses that sends me to the IRS site which as I stated, says they don't have it.


The number offered by automated system leads to another automated system that just parrots th IRS site. 

As it stands, it looks like a case of FRAUD.  you guys probably don't mind a case over only $872, but.... I have plenty of evidence including the websites, chat log (with your machine) and audio from call (another machine)

Getting kinda irritated at being bounced around by machines.