I’m unbelievably confused to a point I won’t be using turbo tax after this year. Had my federal return deducted from a refund transfer so I didn’t have to pay fees upfront. Got in touch with SBTPG because something seemed a bit off and they told me the fees were paid for up front , first lie you can see clearly in the image above I did a refund transfer and they already took out their fees. They told me I had to get a hold of turbo tax. Called turbo tax and the gentleman was just as confused as I was. So he reached out to SBTPG while I was on the phone which is very uncommon it’s something turbo tax don’t do……..which makes no sense and criminal to say the least and the gentleman on the phone told him I should be receiving a deposit in the next few days. It also is noted in my report/notes on turbo tax for when I call. So now SBTPG is saying I don’t have an account at all with them but clearly you see my fees taken out, even with the fast forward 5 day early program. Not only that but being unbelievably rude for a company taken fees from my refund, for a process I did myself.