I have made a few deposits from my personal account to supplement the business. How do I categorize these deposits in QB online?
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what type of business - sole proprietorship. single member LLC, multi-member LLC taxed as a partnership, an entity taxed as a corporation?
single member LLC
Did your SMLLC elect to be a S corp? If not then it is a disregarded entity and you file it on schedule C in your personal tax return. The "loan" doesn't go on your tax return. It is just a transfer from a personal account to your business account. It's just moving funds from one pant's pocket to the other pocket. It's all personally yours. You just enter and account for the actual expenses you spent it on.
Thank you VolvoGirl,
Yes, I file a schedule C however, I still need to categorize the deposit in QB, that is my question. what category do I use to accurately reflect that it isn't taxable income.
Sorry I don't know QuickBooks. You might need to ask on their forum. But you shouldn't need to categorize it. It just should be a Transfer from your personal bank account to the business account. Do you have your personal accounts in the same QB file? Otherwise you might need to set up a new category or account for transfers from your personal money.
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