We'll send you an email when your
return goes from pending status to Accepted or Rejected. After e-filing, your federal or state return may sit
in Pending status 24-48 hours before its status changes.
You can also find out if
the government received your return by checking your e-file status online
here using
your social security number and zip code.
Also, when you sign in to TurboTax,
do you see the orange Take me to my
return button? If so, most likely you have not filed
yet. After your return has been filed, when you login, your e-file status
should be the first thing you see.
After you've filed, you may go to the
IRS site Where's My Refund to check the status of your refund. Or, if you're
using a mobile device, you can download the IRS2Go
app to check
your refund status.
To track your state refund, you may reference this TurboTax FAQ.