True.....I've been here for years, and I always recommend that people NEVEER attempt to prepare/file from a phone.
YOU JUST CANT SEE Everything!!
If you prepare on a phone. You really MUST switch to a tablet, or any wide screen device before actually see all your entries and final forms....and only file in February or March.
If the IRS ends up "Reject"ing your tax filing, you can then go to a full computer or wide-screen tablet, and edit everything to get it right, and then re-submit...but wait until mid-Feb at least, in case you get some more tax documents you "forgot" about.
BUT...If the IRS responds as having "Accepted" your messed-up tax return (Not Submitted, not Transmitted, not Received...but actually "Accepted"). then you wait for your refund (or pay any taxes due, on the original)...then in March you start an Amended tax return to correct everything to proper 2024 values. Again...BIG SCREEEN computer/ phone.
____________*Answers are correct to the best of my knowledge when posted, but should not be considered to be legal or official tax advice.*